My fascinations tend to traffic in miscellany. I'm never quite sure what's going to catch my attention. But there are a couple of wizards out there who have somehow divined the formula, and who deserve a great deal of credit for the content of this website and my noisier Tumblr zoetrope. My old friend nickd, as ever, serves up a steady stream of weirdly charming artifacts. Phil, one time, sent me an extremely great list of blogs he reads, including such gems as the Hoefler & Frere Jones typography blog. Lots of very kind readers of this site will occasionally send me things that strike their fancy.
But special mention goes to one Steven Melendez, who for some reason decided one day to start sending me extraordinary things on a regular basis. Getting new leads from Steven always felt like having access to some secret, personalized newswire, with dispatches telegraphed in. I felt pretty lucky. Alas, I couldn't keep this newswire to myself—not in good conscience, at least. So when Steven mentioned that he might entertain the possibility of starting up a zoetrope of his own, I may or may not have used some capital letters to express my opinion about that possibility. The opinion was: YOU HAVE NO CHOICE.
And, luckily for all of us, Steven made the right choice. That is to say: the only one.
And so, St. Alphonso's Pancake Breakfast. You will probably love it. I know I do.
photo via
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