A love test machine from the Musee Mecanique in San Francisco
At home, our hallways are wooden. Like mottled honey, blond and dark. Last summer, I stopped my dad in one of the hallways, or the kitchen. A thoroughfare. "Can I borrow ten dollars?" "What for?" "For a website. It's not taken." Pause. He replied: "Yeah, okay. I'll invest in that."
So he did, and I did, and: a year ago, this happened.
Happy birthday, blog! I've liked having you around.
More importantly, though: I've liked having you around. If we haven't met, now is your chance to burst out of the digital shadows, into the pixelated sunlight! Write an email (diana (dot) kimball (at) gmail.com); leave a comment. Don't spend a lot of time on it or anything. But just, you know. To say hello.
I can't wait to hello world; hello back.
hi diana! just realized i haven't commented for a while - but i'm still a loyal reader.
Some time reader, first time caller... Greetings from New Zealand! I came across your blog linked from Tom Morris' I think. I subbed to your RSS because I liked your "Algorithms and Avatars" post in particular.
Keep up the good work :)
I wanted to post a Hello World image but blogger doesn't like the idea so I will link to it instead.
Hello Diana!
I haven't been reading that long, but have been enjoying it thus far. Keep going perlease.
Hello from Sweden. I forgot to comment yesterday on the anniversary, oops!
Hey Diana - sorry I haven't commented in a while, but you're still a daily read. Rock on.
Hi Diana! I "met" you at ROFLCon (I think I asked where the bathroom was), and found your blog via Mr. Contrarian. I've really enjoyed your writing. Hope all is well.
Hi Diana,
I have been reading your blogs for a few months...Fell upon it accidentally while googling random things which probably included the words "Harvard" and "Business School" (I really like your analysis of the 2+2 program, btw). Anyway, to make a long story short, I was at Harvard from '03 to '06 studying Romance Languages and Literatures, now off for my MBA at Wharton. Keep up the good work!
Hi there!
I found a link to your "Algorithms and Avatars" post somewhere... and I've been reading ever since. Keep it up, I love your writing :)
It's so good to hear from you all! Thank you so much for the kind words. I think I know how to get in contact with most of you, but if not, never hesitate to email— diana (dot) kimball (at) gmail (dot) com.
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